Who are we? 我們是誰?
We are Habibi Arabian Perfumes, a store in Hong Kong that specializes in Middle East / Arab perfumes. Middle East perfumes have unique scents such as jasmine, amber, musk and oud, and are well suited for both men and women. We source perfumes from famous brands in United Arab Emirates such as Swiss Arabian, Ajmal, Rasasi, and more affordable ones such as Al Haramain, Al Rehab, Ard Al Zaafaran and Lattafa. We also sell perfume spray and perfume oil that we bottle ourselves. Fragrance sources such as Bakhoor (Arabic incense), Frankincese and Arabian burners are also available.
我們是HABIBI ARABIAN PERFUMES,香港一家專售中東/阿拉伯香水的商店。 中東香水俱有獨特的氣味,例如茉莉,琥珀,麝香, 沉香,男女適用。 我們從阿聯酋的知名品牌採購香水,例如Swiss Arabian, Ajmal, Rasasi, 及較平民的品牌例如Al Haramain, Al Rehab, Ard Al Zaafaran和Lattafa。 我們還出售自己裝瓶的香水噴霧和香水油。我們亦有售賣阿拉伯香薰,乳香及阿拉伯香爐等。